What Our Clients Say


I was happy to find Exactlly as an ERP solution that gives great value and has all the features our business needs. Working together, OctoSystem and our internal team did a fantastic job completing this project…

Adam lien

CEO & Founder

The OctoSystem Team’s strong grasp of the Steel industry and their deep knowledge of Business Process have helped us gather a lot of valuable information from our ERP system, they, presented exactly how we needed. I want to express my high regard for the quality of support provided

Rahul Agrawal

Director of Operations

We wanted a way to bring all our departments together, like Finance and Manufacturing, and make things work smoothly with Inventory, Sales, Purchase, and Warehouse. Getting the right information when and where we need it was crucial. With Octopus system’s ERP in use, we’re content and confident that it will handle our future needs too.

Amanda Cheise


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